वन विज्ञान अधिकारीको घरमै गैर कानुनी बाघको छाला सहित ९८ हजार अ्मेरीकी डलर बराबर नगद बरामद


Tuesday 14th of June

Indian officers with the anti-corruption branch of police in India's northeast Assam state hold a tiger skin recovered from the home of forestry officer Mahat Chandra Talukdar in Guwahati on June 14, 2016. The anti-corruption branch of police in India's northeast Assam state recovered around 6.6 million rupees (USD 98,000) in cash from the forestry worker and in a raid recovered from his home a tiger skin, a deer skin, ivory and other animal parts. / AFP PHOTO / Biju BORO


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